Saturday 8 June 2013

What Is...?

Recently, I have been questioning everything, so I decided to do a series of paintings based on this. I have been questioning what is real and what is not, and is anything really what we think it is. I think these three pieces are just the start of my exploration into this and shall definitely develop this further. I painted onto pieces of cardboard that just happened to be what various records came packaged in from what I ordered from the internet, but that is irrelevant. Or is it? Maybe it isn't because the cardboard packaged records, so even though the actual artwork has little connection to music the material that I painted onto is somewhat linked to music, so therefore the pieces are indirectly linked to music. So, basically these pieces represent mostly what I think about, music and art, and these two things somehow nearly always link together if I have anything to do with it. I was also listening to Telegram's soundcloud repeatedly the whole time that I was painting therefore untentionally linking this piece to music even more. (Telegram are a great band, by the way, and I definitely recommend checking them out

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