Saturday 21 December 2013

Merry Christmas!

As it's christmas, and I love dinosaurs, I made this.

What happens when you give art school students alcohol, an inflatable dinosaur and a fisheye camera…

So it was recently my birthday, but as I wouldn't be at university to celebrate my birthday I got some presents early, with an inflatable dinosaur and a fisheye camera being what I received… These photographs were the outcome of this combination, along with some alcohol thrown in for good measure.

Farnham Life

These are just 3 of many photographs that I have taken whilst being away at university. The top one taken on my lomography fisheye film camera that my lovely housemates bought me for my birthday, and the bottom two were taken just on your average disposable camera. 

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Animated GIF

So, this is my first post since being at university, and I will post some more university work up soon, I've just been busy making it, and settling it. 

This is the first animated GIF that I've ever made and I was quite pleased with how it turned out. It was based on a drawing that I did of a fox with wheels on his feet and with the power of photoshop, I managed to create this.